Harvest Green Beans

"From the Penzey's Spice Catalogue! I was asked by my mom to bring this recipe for Thanksgiving this year. (Feel free to use agave nectar in place of the honey to make it 100% vegan friendly). I was really excited that my mother chose this recipe because it is a nice change from the usual "Green Bean Caserole" we've all seen so many times. For those of you who aren't familiar with Penzey's spice blend Mural of Flavor, it is a salt-free mix of: shallots, onion, garlic, thyme, rosemary, basil, coriander, lemon peel, citric acid, black pepper, chives, green peppercorns, dill weed, and orange peel. I've listed it as "salt-free seasoning" because Recipezaar's database does not contain Penzey's spices."
photo by Kozmic Blues photo by Kozmic Blues
photo by Kozmic Blues
photo by Kozmic Blues photo by Kozmic Blues
Ready In:




  • Wash the beans, and cut the stem end off. (this can be done a day ahead of time).
  • To cook: Bring a pot of water (at least 2 quarts) to a rolling boil.
  • While the water is coming to a boil, heat the butter/oil in a medium pan and simmer on low with the pecans.
  • Once they are lightly browned, add the SESAME SEEDS and MURAL OF FLAVOR.
  • Add the green beans to boiling water and cook 2 minutes.
  • Drain and rinse the beans to stop the cooking, but leave them warm.
  • Drizzle the pecan mix with the honey, stir regularly, then when the beans have been drained and rinsed, add them to the pan and toss with the seasoned nut mix.
  • Place in a serving bowl.
  • Cover the bowl with foil and place in a warm oven until ready to serve.

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  1. I made this recipe for T-day last year and just realized I never reviewed it. In the past I have made the "traditional green bean casserole" with cream of crap. This is SO much better! I love the fresh green beans with the added flavor and crunchiness of the pecans. This is my new T-day green bean recipe. Thanks for sharing!


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